Bintan Getaway (Part 2)
Here are more photos as promised, most of them are taken with the 50mm prime lens, i esp like those where the subject is very sharp and the background is very blur, really makes the person very striking in the photo. of course without the sporting models, these photos wouldn't be here too ... lengleng, regina and lawrence were really very spontaneous when i'm taking photos of them. anyone else out there who wants nice photo? come be my free model...i take photo of you.. haha A bad news, something went wrong with my CF card, i cannot retrieve the photos from the cards, all the photos that i have taken after the bintan trip are all stuck in there, i can see them from my camera, but the computer cannot read it ... aarrgghhh... please wish me luck in my quest to salvage the photos!!
some of your photos are really nice because they capture the fun and spontaneity of your friends. It looks like you guys had tons of fun!
- nanie
Yes!! .. and with the help of your lens, i could really feel that the photos has froze those moments.. i can foresee myself getting a 50mm prime lens for myself soon... thanks nanie!!
will be waiting to see more of your penang photos!!
keke... canon 50mm is quite a good buy at a very good price!
No need to think... just buy it :)
- nanie
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