One More Baby
Dorina is back in singapore and we met up with the rest for s simple dinner at pu tien restaurant at kitchener road. and she's nearly 3 months pregnant, ok this is not new but i haven't wrote about it, so here's one more baby coming soon after little jerard and little nat.. jerard has been too busy to update his blog, so we can see that the last entry was quite some time ago, little nathaniel seems more regular in terms of blog updates right?.
Dongshu is back in singapore too, haven't seen him for quite a while, not that he's going to be based in sg, i guess we'll have more chance to meet up..
Food was quite good, at least for most of the dishes, dun really like the noodle and the bee hoon though. Food review here
Proceeded to island creamery for dessert cos pu tien ran out of yam paste and all other desserts they have are not to our liking.I realised that the people in the front are quite blur, i need to improve on my skills when it comes to setting apperture size ..
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