Wonderful Weekend (Part 1)
Sorry for the loooong delay.. Here the first posting of my happenning weekend...... It all started on friday night, ripple found this really cool place called the prickly bush (66, dunlop street).
They have a nice cosy room there where you can chill out, have some food and drinks watch tv listen to music, play games etc. It's a very suitable place for gatherings if you have a group of around 10 to 15 people, hhmmmm ... why am i saying it like i owned this place and i'm promoting it...hahaIn fact this place is so cosy that shengrong can actually fall asleep on a beanbag!!
We gathered there to celebrate kelvyn and my birthday.. hai .. one year older again.. but whatever it is ... i would like to thank all those who were present that day!!The food generally sucks over there and if you order a lot of food, it will take ages before they serve it. but the potato wedges and the chicken wings are worth a try, you dun have to try the other food items, just order drinks will do.
And this is where i had my FIRST birthday cake for this year!! it's a strawberry cheesecake, quite different, the cheese is in the cream and not in the cake itself.. and there's only 1 candle because there's 2 of us... haha dunno how many candles to put
A night of fun and games, with abba songs playing in the background, we played cards, and even twister, and got everyone twisted together.
Out of so many photos i took during the twister game, i exceptionally like this one with kelvyn and jason, i think the angle and the expression captured was very nice... any comments??
Oh and here's bangzhi and kelvyn posing with the 2 life size poster(hhmmm is there a more pro word for a thing like that?)
I had a wonderful night .. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!
Yes i agree that picture is nice! :)
Hello, found you thru lilsnooze's site. Happy belated birthday! :D
hey hey!!! THANX!!! haven't met you for a long time!! ... i'll keep myself updated from your blog!!
Heh. Me will do so too. Mind if I add you to my list of links?
no prob... get more people to come see my photos .. haha
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